Bulk stone is available by the yard or half yard. We always have someone on-hand to load during regular business hours. Most pick up trucks will only haul a half a yard. Most of the stones weigh about a ton per yard.
Tile Stone– our most popular stone, about the size of a golf ball
6A Stone- smaller than tile stone, about the size of a small marble
Pea Gravel-our smallest stone
Midnight Granite-dark grey with some white and grey mixed in, sparkles a little
Barn Red
Terracotta–just a little lighter color than the barn red, the color of a terracotta pot
White (Crystal) Marble-shiny white
Beechwood-a mixture of brown and grey, porous, similar to lava rock but smaller
Limestone-smaller and not as bright white as the marble, makes a good driveway stone and works for drainage under a patio
Many colors to choose from. Sold by the pound. Can vary in thickness from 1/2 inch to four inches but average about two inches.
Sold by the pound. Ranging in size from softball size to large boulders.