Dairy Doo-The best compost you can buy. Use only 1/4 to 1/2″ across the surface of your garden to improve your soil. Do not plant directly into dairy doo as it can burn the roots.

Dairy Doo
Dairy Doo Topsoi Blend-A mix of dairy doo and topsoil that you can plant directly into. Used for raised beds or to topdress lawns.

Dairy Doo Topsoil
Screened Topsoil-A light topsoil that has been screened to remove stones. This is not the clay soil you get at some other places.

Screened Topsoil
Crushed Gravel-Good for repairing driveways.

Sand-regular sand, not sandbox sand

Slag-crushed limestone used as a base under brick patios, packs down nicely
